Submit Your Music

Submit Your Music

We’d love to hear your track but you need to make it easy for us, here’s a few tips to give your song the best chance of being playlisted.

We need you to send a streaming link and a download link! 
If we can’t easily download your song we won’t be able to play it, also note we don’t have the time to download your song just to listen to it hence our need for a streaming link as well.

Just the singles please.
We’d rather you didn’t submit your whole Album or EP. We only need your singles. If you do want to submit multiple tracks, it’s critical you let us know which is your focus track.

Is your track from an Album.
If your song is from an Album or EP please let us know it’s name and release date.

Send some info about you and your band.
We really like to know where you are from and where you’re based. We don’t need a huge press release or bio just a few lines about yourself and your song along with any interesting facts that may interest our listeners.

Explicit Lyrics
Please let us know if there are explicit lyrics in your tracks and please supply a clean version wherever possible.


Most importantly please remember we are an alternative radio station. Send us your best “cheese free” songs!


Please Complete the Form


Will you let me know if you playlist my song?
We endeavour to reply everyone who gets playlisted.

What file formats do you accept?
Wav MP3s or M4A. 

Can you tell me why my song wasn’t playlisted?
Sorry no, we don’t have the resources to reply to everyone who submits.

Can you tell when my song will be played on the Most FM?
Sorry no, our playlists are generated randomly, however if your song is added it will play approximately once every 24hrs for several weeks.