Toi on Tour – Creative Taranaki Hui Invite URENUI AND NEW PLYMOUTH

We invite you to attend

Toi on Tour – Creative Taranaki hui series

Are you a creator, maker, performer, advocate or appreciator? 
We’ll be travelling around the Mounga to connect, listen and share
Come and contribute to the conversation about our regional arts sector

The Creative Taranaki hui series will deliver events in Pātea, Hāwera, Stratford, Ōpunake, Urenui and New Plymouth and is a chance to connect with Arts Coordinator Megan Symons and the board’s trustees. 
The Creative Taranaki Trust will be presenting its strategic plan, sharing some of the exciting initiatives proposed, and seeking input and assistance from our creative community regarding its work program. The gatherings will be informative, fun and hands-on, with ample opportunity for attendees to share their thoughts and feedback, and to socialise over light refreshments.
Creative Taranaki seeks to strengthen our region’s entire ecosystem across all disciplines, ensuring Taranaki is the best place in Aotearoa to thrive as a creative.
We have delivered funding support opportunities through Workshops and Clinics, engaging the expertise of Valerie Barraclough. They’ve been well attended by a diverse range of creatives, this one hosted by the Eltham Village Gallery.

The innaugural Taranaki Art Show Opening was a wonderful celebration, the event showcasing talented local visual artists. Thanks to Derek Hughes for capturing the excitement and positivity of the gathered crowd and the motivated team from The Collaboration who made it happen!

The hui series starts in Pātea on Tuesday 10th September and runs through consecutive Tuesdays until the final hui in New Plymouth on the 24th, with both daytime and evening sessions available. They are free to attend and all interested parties are welcome, with RSVPs appreciated for planning and catering purposes:
South Taranaki – Tuesday 10 September
Pātea: Hunter Shaw Building, 29 Victoria Street, 12.30pm – 2.30pm
Hāwera: Community Centre Hall Lounge, 66 Albion Street, 5pm – 7pm


Central & Coastal Taranaki – Tuesday 17 September
Stratford: TSB Chambers, The War Memorial Centre, 55 Miranda Street,
12.30pm – 2.30pm
Ōpunake: Everybody’s Theatre, 72 Tasman Street, 5.30pm – 7.30pm


North Taranaki – Tuesday 24 September
Urenui: Urenui Community Centre, 13 Takiroa Street, 12.30pm – 2.30pm
New Plymouth: Little Theatre, 29 Aubrey Street, 5.30pm – 7.30pm
You can also register your interest in attending any of the six hui through Creative Taranaki Facebook events.

Please share with your creative networks and feel free to contact


24 Sep 2024


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