The Seventh Mutation, by Brent Parkes AKA Slash AKA Slicey AKA Datura Child AKA
– Spawn of Okato, farmer-boxer-arm wrestler stock
– Further trauma acquired in Wellington
– Exhibition at Koru gallery on Devon St: The Seventh Mutation, by Brent Parkes AKA Slash AKA Slicey AKA Datura Child AKA The insane laughing scarecrow who dances moonstruck at the margins of existence
– First exhibition, revisiting my first comic book, Datura Child, over a decade later
– Over this decade, Datura Child evolved into a comic series, a clothing label, a bizarre art cult/mental health support group, stopping just short of the supernatural
– The Seventh mutation is a return to the source, a reminder of where it all came from
– At Koru gallery for the rest of April
– Good luck with the complexities of life
– Instagram @Datura Child